A Poem as I Yawn

In the morning light, I feel so free,

My heart so light, my mind carefree,

After long days of stress and strain,

I can finally breathe again.

I yearn aloud for peace and rest,

To soothe my soul, to be my best,

But sleep eludes me, just out of reach,

As the sun’s rays begin to breach.

The dawn breaks bright, a new day starts,

Filled with promise, free of hearts,

And though my body longs to rest,

My spirit soars, I feel so blessed.

So I’ll embrace this day with joy,

My heart and soul it will employ,

And though I may be tired still,

I’ll find my strength, I know I will.

Y is for Yarn poem

The post is written as a part of BlogchatterA2Z for the Alphabet Y

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