I am a self-help blogger who loves to pen down posts about the simple yet beautiful things that makes life better.
Words that bring joy are often the simple things that could ensure happiness. A new concept on my blog is the word garden. Like flowers in your flower garden, the words you speak become a part of your word garden that contributes to your self-confidence, mental well-being, and tranquillity.
This section of the site includes some motivational tales, my opinions, and my outlook on life—all in the self-help category. Three of my short stories are a part of three different anthologies—one of the blogging communities in India.
This blog section that includes niche food technology posts is devoted to health through food technology. This is when I put on my professional hat as a graduate in business and an undergrad in food technology. In 2020, blogchatter published my ebook on food technology.
Writing Challenges is where I create various pieces for blog hops and writing challenges that help me hone my writing abilities and establish a niche for myself as a blogger in the online community. Two of my blog posts are also featured on blogchatter website. One of the best blogging communities in India.
In my book reviews, I express my personal opinions regarding the novels I’ve read. I mainly concentrate on incorporating self-help elements into the books I read and review.