Be proud and happy that you have the power to care less about your worries and more about your happiness and joy.
Be proud and happy that you have the power to create peace and make life easier for your loved ones.
Be proud and happy as you are bold enough to face day-to-day struggles and difficulties.
Be proud and happy as you can accept your flaws and persistently work to improve upon them.
Be proud and happy for every person who values you the most and supports your goals and aspirations.
Be proud and happy that you were consistent and never gave up because you faced failures.
Be proud and happy that you had a few people who never gave up on your abilities and believed in your efforts more than you.
Be proud and happy for every acknowledgment and kind word that helped you to stay strong when you were in the urge to break.
Be proud and happy for having your loving ones who lift you when you fall and give love that strengthens and helps you heal.
Be proud and happy that your tears repaired your soul and made you wiser.
Be proud and happy that your hard times taught you to be kind and empathetic towards others.
Be proud and happy that you are living a fulfilled life despite being ridiculed at different situations that life throws at you to realize that you can be comfortable being yourself, as the first and foremost person you got to make happy is yourself.
Be proud and happy that the divine has not given you only sadness to dwell upon but many blessings to be grateful for at the same time.
Be proud and happy as you were able to understand that each one has their time to shine. And your life is not a race but a journey to your preferred destination.
Be proud and happy that you have more waiting time in the lounge to relax and rejuvenate to live life with enthusiasm when your time arrives to live through all the roles of life.
Be proud and happy for every moment that gives you the will to smile and be the inspiration for someone else who needs that reminder to smile.
Be proud and happy that you grew bold enough to choose not to answer a question you had a difficult time answering.
Be proud and happy that, by all means, you are trying to live your most desired life with all its hardships, difficulties, learnings, and blessings as a bundle to reflect on the realm of life.
To every She/her who is reading this post,
You are the one with an enormous amount of emotional strength.
You are the one with an immense amount of imbibed tolerance.
You are the one with a massive willingness to win over the hurdles that come your way.
You are the one with undeterred persistence of taking life with all its ebbs and highs.
To all the Heros reading the post, be proud and happy for all the Sheros in your life, be it your mother, daughter, wife, sister, or friend, as they all are the powerful source of strength, joy, and bliss that unleashes itself to bring liveliness to your lives.
Thank her for who she is and respect her for who she is, as that is the easiest way to make the world better for the she/her in your life.
Happy Women’s Day to all Wonder Women reading this post.
Keep going, growing, and glowing in all your walks of life.
This blog post is part of the Women’s Day Blog Hop, themed on She: A Tribute to Her, hosted by Swarnali Nath

This was a nice post. Reading about wonder women itself gives immense pleasure and happiness. Thank you so much for joining us in the blog hop. Keep doing the great work you’re doing. Gratitude🤗
Thank you for having the hop and bringing blogs together for women’s day. Happy Women’s Day to the You, being the wonderful host.1😊😘
This post is filled with positivity and affirmative sentences.. It instantly creates a positive aura We wonder women have the potential to see positivity even in negative situations. Isn’t that beautiful. .
Thank you, @Alpana, and your comment in short explains why I started writing and glad the post creates a pleasant aura and positivity. Thank you for reading.😊😊
Being proud is the best quality a woman can posess.
Yes we women have amazing power, strength and incredible qualities. your poem has sum up all those so beautifully. I had a great time while reading it. loved the end part of post so much. thanks for making me feel positive with end note.
IT is true that we have a lot of the emotions and abilities mentioned above and more. We just have to tap into it and find it.
Thank you so much for these reminders of self-love and acceptance.
Here are some of my favorite lines from your inspiring piece,
“Be proud and happy that you were consistent and never gave up because you faced failures.
Be proud and happy that you are living a fulfilled life despite being ridiculed at different situations that life throws at you to realize that you can be comfortable being yourself, as the first and foremost person you got to make happy is yourself.”
A great poem, Sivaranjini.
A woman is the epitome of motherhood, love patience and all the qualities men rarely have. I loved the Be proud lines and they really make me feel proud I am a woman.
Such positive words and so much goodness is possible thanks to women.
You have rightly expressed them in bold letters.
Praying for positivity in every women’s life. May they “keep going, growing, and glowing”.
May women celebrate every moment- and all their wins- irrespective of whether small or big.
Thank you for reading. Keep glowing, growing, and going dear. ✨️
how very true na? We need to be proud and happy of who and what we are. So often we feel that we need to subdue ourselves or find flaws in ourselves not realising that those flaws are our strengths!
This is such a positive post. Thank you to all the sheroes of our life who made us what we are today. Lovely post.
This is such a positive post, Sivaranjini. You are a wonder woman yourself for having compiled a post with positive affirmations and self love. Thank you 🙂
Such positive vibes your poem has.. affirmations that we should be giving ourselves daily. There is so much to be proud of so much to be happy about just by changing your perspective a little.
This is a lovely poem with all the much deserved positivity for women. Every one must indeed be proud and happy for all the little things we achieve everyday. Nice read, Shivaranjini
Such a positive post, Sivaranjini. We tend to fret over small setbacks and fail to see the bigger picture. Every small win should be celebrated. Every experience has a lesson or a takeaway. We need to take pride in being who we are.
Such a positive post, Sivaranjini. We tend to fret over small setbacks and fail to see the bigger picture. Every small win should be celebrated. Every experience has a lesson or a takeaway. We need to take pride in being who we are.
This was a lovely post filled with positive energy. Hope more women get to read it and get inspired in the process.
Thank you, Doc 😊
What a positive post! Power of positivity can never be ignored. Loved the lines
“Be proud and happy that you were consistent and never gave up because you faced failures.”
Such a positive post this is. Let us all be proud and happy and help each other to grow and shine. After all, a woman can and must be another woman’s strength and support.
This blog post is filled with positive vibes and inspires us to look within and appreciate ourselves. Truly self love is the beginning of everything beautiful. Lovely write up !
I felt like you are talking to me. Each word, each feelings, they were touching. Beautiful words.
Such a heart-warming and motivational post. Thank you for sharing such encouraging and calming works amidst all the negativity around. Wish you all the success in the journey of womanhood.
The one thought that comes to my mind when I read your post is, we should pin it up in the wall where we can see it and keep reading it out to ourselves. We need to hear these lines more, to convince ourselves how much more we are capable of.
Indeed a powerful post, I am so into it. This is so important to understand every body not only woman to feel proud on what they actually are, what they possess, what they can do including what they can’t. One of the rarest quality these days of holding the own OG version high headed.
I read the creative twice as it makes so much sense to behappy with ourselves and our small wins. But, unfortunately women are brought up with a huge burden of expectations from all sides. I am glad our generation has identified this and now we as parents bringing a change in next generation. Beautiful message in this post.
This was such a moral boost for a Monday morning! Thanks for such motivating words and a wonderful write-up! Feeling super enthusiastic after reading this blog!
It was indeed inspiring to read through your blog! Your thoughts about being Proud and happy to be a woman that you are and standing tall with resilience, vibed with me! Kudos to who we are and the abilities we possess to reflect, refurbish and regenerate!! Great writeup!
It was inspiring to read your blog! Loved your idea of being happy and proud of the woman that we are and standing tall with grit, determination and resilience. Kudos to us for being the best version of ourselves and the ability to reflect, refurbish and regenerate! Great blog!
A beautiful poem/ ode to being a woman or anyone really. Your post embodies your blog and I loved reading it. You have captured the essence of living and embraced affirmations that reflect your true self. What a great way to celebrate women’s day.
Wow, reading this post was like intaking a high positive energy in your mind. We women are so strong and yet to realise it. Your post articulated all those strengths very well.
Women need to smile for the small wins each day. Sometimes she has to pause and live in the moment. Your post has captured small moments that every woman should cherish.