
A strong desire to write gave me my topic of today \” burning desire \” when you have desire in life keep it strong and no looking back or putting  it down, hold it tightly let mind and soul be filled up with it desire is built by belief and belief by thought . 
When you deserve something truly and work for it even God is pleased and Nature gifts you what you deserve . Obstacles and inabilities are sometimes by birth  for some people . Unless its their desire is to give up no one else can stop the success they deserve in life.

For belief, faith and strong burning desire are best known antidote for inabilities and failures in life
A small boy who had no  natural hearing device by birth heard sounds only with his desire to hear and lead a normal life finally heard sounds and helped many people with similar inability he has changed his obstacle into an assert to help people (  from Think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill)
 There are so many such people who  had overcome the challenge of life and helped others too. Friends, think how much we should be thankful to God and how many people we can help in our lives if we had that desire to  help, If we can make someone happy or make it easy for them to fight their Challenge of life go ahead, for God lives in smile of those people who are fighting the challenge that life posed on them .
 Never give up have the courage to fight your inabilities and obstacles in life and soon you will overcome them with flying colors and if you can be the rainbow after the rain in someone\’s life    believe me you are so special and the most blessed person . 
My post for today  is dedicated to people with physical challenges and still fighting courageously to succeed 

 I salute each achiever of this kind for they outwitted mother nature with their burning desire to win the challenge of  their life
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