Hope – A poem to be read forever

The book I read recently inspired me to write some self-help poems to brighten up your day for Blogchatter A2Z and continue the posts with a new theme.

what makes these poems unique is that it is written with different figurative languages and poetic devices in English.

The post is written for the Alphabet E

E For Epistrophe.

The post is part of Bloghatter A2Z

Hope, the magic all love to believe in,

As it perches in the soul, unyielding,

The power to appreciate life, unceasing,

Is fondly known as hope, ever inspiring.

The smile that sits on your face,

Despite your hard day, and its embrace,

Drives away the grim of self-doubt,

Is fondly known as hope, without a doubt.

The institution that instils wisdom,

To perceive the rightness in every situation,

Becomes the mighty little feathery solace,

That repairs your soul, with its elation.

The invisible yet truly inevitable companion,

That never lets you down, with its devotion,

Whispers secretly into your ears,

“Okay, you are doing fine,” with its emotion.

The inner voice that is always audible,

And ready to persevere the strength of your soul,

Is fondly known as hope, the guiding light,

That helps you to reach your goal.

It may seem a dream to others,

But to the one that believes in it,

Transforms itself into the uninterrupted reality,

And is fondly known as hope, that never quits.

A drop of liveliness that you experience when numb,

Is fondly known as hope, that helps you overcome.

You can give it when you have nothing,

And it can change someone’s life for the better in the blink of an eye,

Is fondly known as hope, the greatest thing to cherish and rely.

The post is a part of Blogchatter A2Z written for Alphabet E.

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