HOPE where success begins

E-energy and effort  towards life is hope and its the beginning of success .

 Its a reservoir of positive thoughts which in turn boosts willpower  which is most helpful at our hard times, it persuades us to raise up and walk ahead in life and re ensures our strength to achieve our goal and never allows us to give up in life.

   Hope works as a starter to success it is the one which enhances  the will to do and that is evident from the saying “where there is hope there is life” When hope is externally given its trust with expectation of good to happen. when hope is internally present it is confidence of the self that helps to succeed. 

    Above all Hope is positive mindset. The last leaf by O Henry is story which tells hope is the most indispensable life saving antidote to survive and succeed in life.

Let me discuss some success stories…

APJ Abdul Kalam : He studied by distributing papers to financially support his family who by hope, hard work and effort became a scientist at NASA and the former president of India.

Thomas Alva Edison: who was not very good in studies during school  lit up our lives with his invention . He owes his success to his mother who never lost hope about his success.

Abraham Lincoln: His journey of persistent effort from a cobbler ‘s son to the president of America is really spectaculars 

Harland sanders : The founder of tasty mouth lingering chicken KFC was once left with nothing but a recipe that his mother left for him . It was because of his efforts that he achieved success in his business.

A very few I mentioned and this list of achievers is endless…

What is that that they all have in common ?
Hope→ belief →effort→ success
Hope-it is where all started . To all readers I would say hope for the best. This post being the first one for 2014 I wish you all a very happy new year 2014 and let this year be a year filled with hope and joy. 
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