The Thank You Blog Product Review For Farm 2 Home’s Rose beet Syrup
I am happy to introduce you to a rose milk substitute ”Rose-Beet” milk that will brighten your summer with bigger smiles.
This blog post is for mothers on a hunt for healthier food products. Yes, we heard you right, and if you are looking for a healthy alternative to artificial food colours, you are at your ideal place.
As a former food and process engineering graduate turned blogger, I can attest that natural colour pigments in food are a much safer and healthier alternative to artificial food colours.
A special note about the founder of the brand
This morning’s blog post is about the Chennai-based company Farm2Home, owned by Genslin Vinodth, a woman entrepreneur who is both an engineer by profession, a passionate holistic wellness coach & a certified nutrition expert.
Her fundamental purpose is to provide a variety of fresh and healthful food items free of MSG (monosodium glutamate), preservatives, additives, processed oil, and refined flour.
Let’s know about the healthy pinks in Rose beet syrup
1. Rose petals are rich in flavonoids, which perform antioxidant activity and several immune-boosting vitamins and minerals.
Its high moisture content helps to keep the summer heat at bay.
2. Beetroots are high in fibre, folate, manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C.
This Rose-beet milk has a lovely soothing mild pink colour attributable to betanin, a naturally occurring pink pigment in beetroot.
The natural fusion of rose petals and beets will have you proclaiming that “this is the pink that will help you be at the pink of your health”.
The syrup is sweetened with honey and brown sugar, which serve as preservatives plus enhance the flavour, taste, and aroma.
When you combine this syrup with milk, you receive the health benefits of rose petals and beetroot topped with a yummy taste that will make the taste buds in your tongue dance.
You can add chia seeds, basil seeds, and almond gum to improve the nutritious value.

Making of the Rose & Beet Syrup
A Thank You Blog Exclusive
The fresh beetroots are sliced and crushed with rose petals and brown sugar. Then the mixture is heated until it reaches thick syrup consistency.
Once the syrup reaches room temperature, honey is added to improves shelf life and retains the quality of the finished product.
The product has many advantages as juice concentrates have the nutrients concentrated.
Honey as a nourishing food ingredient is filled with B vitamins and minerals: Potassium, calcium, and iron, and is naturally anti-bacterial and inflammatory.
My take on the product
It is a delicious rose milk syrup with natural food colour pigments that improve health and well-being instead of artificial colorants that may pose a health risk when consumed in the long run.
The best part is there is no compromise in the taste/level of sweetness although it is made without the addition of artificial colour or artificial sweeteners.
After knowing about the natural rose milk alternative, I am sure you want to buy it and add healthy yet tasty fun to your children’s summer holidays.

You can buy the Rose-Beet syrup from Farm 2 Home at the given link.
You can use the code “F2HTTYB10″ to avail 10 per cent discount. Hurry up and avail the discount when you purchase through the link given.
The post is written in collaboration with Farm 2 Home. The views expressed are based on my personal experience
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawlain in collaboration with Monidipa Dutta.
Both rose and beetroot are my faves. And to have them in sherbet or milk would be an awesome treat. Will check out the Farm2Home site for this.
Seems like an interesting combination Rose and Beetroot and feels like a heavenly summer drink. Will surely give it a try. Thanks for a recommendation.
Summer calls for cooling and energizing drinks like rose milk.I love rose drinks but I think this one has an edge over regular drinks as it does not contain artificial colours and also has the goodness of beets added to it.
My first question after reading this post is … is it good for babies? If yes, i will love to introduce it to my son as I want him to eat beetroots and the flavour of rose petals are enough to spike up the taste as per me. Such drinks are very refreshing especially in the summer months and also excellent to serve to guests at home. Thank you for the awesome review.
it is the safest for children in my opinion
Thanks for this healthy recommendation, the pic itself had my heart beat with smile. Rose milk is my favorite, like I’d like falooda. Definitely got to try this.
We usually have rose in sharbats but this combination of rose and beetroot looks healthier. I’d like to try it, so ordering it from Farm to Home site.
That is an interesting combination. Not a fan of beet but have to include it in my diet as a source of vitamin B. This sounds like a better alternative.
Wow, this sounds like an amazing find! As a health-conscious individual, I’m always looking for healthier alternatives to artificial ingredients. The concept of “Rose-Beet” milk as a substitute for rose milk is intriguing and refreshing. It’s great to see someone with a background in food and process engineering advocating for natural color pigments in our food.! I can’t wait to try “Rose-Beet” milk and experience its natural goodness.
A rose-beetroot syrup is a great combination. We are always looking for ways to add beetroot to our diet and this one is an delicious option. Thanks for sharing about it.
Ohh wow!! I’m gonna try this for sure
The biggest challenge for any parent is to make their children drink milk. If it is flavourful and encompasses natural, healthy ingredients then it is sure to be loved by everyone. Rose, honey and beet are replete with nutrients and will benefit all age groups. Must check out Farm 2 Home site and order the syrup right away. Thanks for the share. 🙂
Summer and drink are co related. That market one Rose milk have preservatives. It looks promising. As beet itself has many medicinal properties and Rose taste heavenly. Would love to try it out.
I prefer natural and healthier alternatives to harmful junk foods anyday and this is one option that promises to be healthy as well as tasty. Will surely check it out.
hmmm… if my family drank milk I would surely opt for this refreshing syrup but we don’t and I don’t know if it can be used in anything else. The colour looks lovely, mellow and natural… after all like you mentioned Sivaranjini… the ingredients are all natural.
I love beets and make many side-dishes off of it during summers. This combo looks irresistible and to have it infused in rose milk, sherbats, and coolers will be amazing during the hot and humid days. I will checkout this brand. Thank you for recommending.
I am all for natural sugar so beetroot related anything fascinates me! This looks absolutely delicious and refreshing!
I love rosemilk and usually get a concentrate from Salem that is available only in that particular shop. He is pretty famous locally but hasnt ventured into online sales. This sounds yummy ….going to use your coupon code and order one right away!
great to hear that
Might have to pass on this as rose isn’t my cup of tea. I know though how great beet is for our body. Appreciate you sharing this product review especially for those who love rose + beet!
I usually make Aampanna or Lassi to beat the heat and yes, it works. This drink mix mix sounds good too, so gonna give this a try and see if this really helps us like our home made Aampanna and shall share my feedback here.
Might have to pass on this as rose isn’t my cup of tea. I know though how great beet is for our body. Appreciate you sharing this product review especially for those who love rose + beet!
A new product for me! I started eating beetroot under duress last year. I have it as grated salad. And now I cannot do without it.
I am always on a lookout for healthy alternatives and this rose beet syrup sounds perfect. I am heading to the website to check the products.
Interesting. Rose syrup is a summer favorite, and with beet, it makes it more nutritious. Thanks for the review. Will try it,
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Seems like a good product to try – thanks for the suggestion!