Self-help From The Equipment

Figure it out for yourself, my lad,

You\’ve all that the greatest of men have had,

Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes,

And a brain to use if you would be wise.

With this equipment, they all began,

So start for the top and say \”I can.\”

Look them over, the wise and great,

They take their food from a common plate

And similar knives and forks they use,

With similar laces, they tie their shoes,

The world considers them brave and smart.

But you\’ve all they had when they made their start.

You can triumph and come to skill,

You can be great if only you will,

You\’re well equipped for what fight you choose,

You have legs and arms and a brain to use,

And the man who has risen, great deeds to do

Began his life with no more than you.

You are the handicap you must face,

You are the one who must choose your place,

You must say where you want to go.

How much you will study the truth to know,

God has equipped you for life, But He

Lets you decide what you want to be.

Courage must come from the soul within,

The man must furnish the will to win,

So figure it out for yourself, my lad,

You were born with all that the great have had,

With your equipment, they all began.

Get hold of yourself, and say: \”I can.


The undeniable human nature is that we all of us think of things that we don\’t have, and we set the limits that stop us from becoming the best person we can be by giving self-made excuses. But if we can pause and think we will easily understand that people who are doing well today did begin with nothing but the courage and will to win. We all can make ourselves better with each passing day as the ability to do so is within us. 

All the extraordinary people today were once simple and ordinary. God has given the gift of life to everyone, but what we make it is up to us. Let all of us begin afresh and embrace our goals of life. 

We have the roots within us and also the power to blossom, all we need is to add some will and courage to your soul. 

Smile more and be the best version of yourself. 

Wishing all the thank you readers, a very happy Pongal. As we celebrate our thanksgiving festival and give thanks to the sun, the cattle that help the farmers, and as we get the blessings of our elders and have a lot of fun, the painted pots and colourful horns of cows beautifully decorated, along with the mouth lingering sweetness of the sugarcane and the freshly harvested turmeric with its great aroma, adds joy and bliss to this festival that gives a glimpse of our culture, and tradition. #ThankyouBloggerWrites 

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and happily SPONSORED BY RRE Studios and SHOWCASE Events.

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4 years ago

\”All the extraordinary people today were once simple and ordinary\” the is so very true. I have come across many such beautiful souls who have lived an ordinary lives. But the strength lies in their thoughts. They have made a difference with their presence and their attitude. Happy Pongal!!

4 years ago

Well said, dear. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts. Happy makar Sankranti to you too dear.😊🤗🙏

Abhijit Ray
4 years ago

Very inspiring and uplifting poem indeed. Thank you for sharing.

Ruchita mathur
4 years ago

One has to go beyond our capability. I belive Where there is a will , there is a will.

4 years ago

I think it's all about believing in ourselves. As SHIV khera has rightly said… .We cannot do different things but we can do things differently. Quite an inspirational poem.

Harjeet Kaur
4 years ago

Smile more and be the best version of yourself-This summed up your whole post. Life is simple but we make it so complicated.The poem you have shared is also very simple but the words are complicated. We all have the same faculties, its just how we use them that counts.

Surbhi prapanna
4 years ago

such a beautiful poem and agree that we all have same facilities and now it is up to us how we utilize them. making and feeling good is an art and with little efforts we all can mastered in it.

priyanka nair
4 years ago

Happy Pongal Siva! Yes, the moment you gain the courage to withstand the things you believe in, your world begins to change. Meaningful poem!

4 years ago

Happy Pongal to you too! very inspiring poem indeed! Everyone is given the same equipments (as stated in the poem) how we choose to use them is entirely on our discretion. We tend to limit our options by setting such limits on ourselves thinking we cannot do but we can and exploring what is beyond our limitations is true courage and true use of the equipments.

4 years ago

Happy makar Sankranti to you too and I love your writing style… Your words are so true!

Prerna Wahi
4 years ago

This is written very well – beautiful lines and so relatbale.

Vasumathi DS Ponday
4 years ago

Happy Pongal!We are all blessed & born with similar benefits, but some of us are happy with it while some are not. Some work to increase the benefits and while other just deplete them. In the end a positive and happy disposition can get us a long way.

Amarjeet Sonia Madaan
4 years ago

Beautiful and insightful words. We all have the courage within us, just need to believe ourselves and be willing to work upon our goals. Great and inspiring post.

4 years ago

What a beautiful and inspiring poem. The ability to smile through hardships is truly a gift we all need. A positive outlook towards life can work wonders for one's mental well being. 🙂

4 years ago

Nice poem Siva. Good one and I read it my kid, I liked the part that he was able to understand it.

4 years ago

Simple yet powerful words. I am loving this poetry series and theme for this year. So true we all have the same resources and time. We make difference by how we use it.

Abha Singh
4 years ago

Beautiful poem and the message behind this. God has given us the gift of life we have a choice to make our simple life to extraordinary. Happy Pongal!

4 years ago

I am loving this series, Sivaranjini. Revisiting old favorites. Each journey is individual. People often fail to realize that hard work involved and comparison leads to disappointment.

Sindhu Vinod Narayan
4 years ago

Such a lovely poem that suits your posts intention. It is us who is responsible to make us what we aim for. Well written.

Archana Srivastava
4 years ago

Happy Pongal Siva, thanks for sharing the beauty of a blissful festival Pongal. Well said by you dear that \”God has given the gift of life to everyone, but what we make it is up to us\”, we all are blessed with certain traits and attributes the only thing we need to work on it in the best possible way.Archana

Srishti Rajeev
4 years ago

Like the idea of a poem and connecting it with your post to articulate your thoughts. Happy to be here and read this.

4 years ago

Beautiful post. And inspiring words. Truly , faith in oneself can make an ordinary being reach extraordinary heights.

Amritha Srinath(themummastartup)

Happy Pongal dear. What a beautifully written poem! loved every bit of it. It is so true that everyone is blessed with the same resources. How we utilize it, or how much driven we are determines what we achieve in life.

4 years ago

Being the best version of self is my motto too. Loved reading the post. Superb, The idea is too good.

4 years ago

Beautiful poem and the message behind this.It is so true that everyone is blessed with the same resources. Happy Pongal!

Bhawna Shah
4 years ago

A wonderful piece of words, weaved beautifully and made a meaningful poem. Happy pongal

4 years ago

Seeing limits for oneself is the worst thing we can do to ourselves. I realised that after having a kid. When I thought playing chess would be too much for a 4 year old he surprised me by learning all the moves quickly.

4 years ago

Seeing limits for oneself is the worst thing we can do to ourselves. I realised that after having a kid. When I thought playing chess would be too much for a 4 year old he surprised me by learning all the moves quickly.

4 years ago

\”Smile more and be the best version of yourself.\”.. this is the ultimate truth for self esteem and love

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