Simplify Mental health with Winnie the pooh

Although the word mental health is one of the most researched words on google, there is the social stigma that comes along with it. But, from a broader perspective, there is nothing that makes mental health uncommon. 

Mental wellbeing is taking control of your mental health by handling your thoughts and emotions in such a way they contribute to your tranquility. 

I always believe that the words we speak, listen to, and even remember put together influence mental health because they become a part of our belief system.  

You can check one of my previous blog posts to know more. 

6 – simple ways to blissful mental health

  1. Neuroscience researches prove that words such as hope, joy, strength, willpower, love, peace strengthens areas in our frontal lobe, enhancing cognitive function, while hurtful words, angry words do the opposite. 

Think thrice before you spill your words.

2. Stop comparing yourself with others as this often leads to self-pity and distress.  Everyone is blessed in a way and that is why they are here.

3. Our brain usually functions by generating thoughts, so you cannot stop thinking about anything that bothers you. But, you can stop reacting to those thoughts and allow them to pass like you take a view of the waves that come near you.  

4. 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts run through our minds per day. Now, one can understand the truth in the third point. Ponder upon happy thoughts even if you have the time to ponder. 

5. The Memories are beautiful, and going back to them is therapeutic, but, See to it that they don’t outweigh your present. Walk down memory lane but get back to receive the present.  

6. Creativity is a boon to boost mental health.

Learning to exercise your right brain is the first right step towards your rightful mental wellbeing.   

8 – Mental health tips from Winnie the pooh

Mental health from the cute old bear

1. One good laugh and one good friend is the best cure. Most of the problems we worry about can just heal by letting out how you feel to a friend you trust the most or a family member who can make you laugh when you cannot smile.

2. Accepting your flaws and knowing yourself can help you simply stay in the pink of your mental health.

3. Because no inspiration or motivation that comes from outside will stay for long but when it comes from your confidence it becomes a soil on which you build your life. Your guide to your mental health is always within you.

4. Often we underestimate the power of a word that could make someone feel better.

Words of compassion become a life-saving antidote when it comes to better mental health.

Say the good let go which is not.

5. Being happy is not hard when you know it is the better way to be.

6. Sometimes just being patient can get too hard especially when life takes a slow pace. we somewhere start comparing our life with others and this gives bitter not better mental health.

7. Your wishes are a sign of all the hope that dwells in your heart.

8. A person with a smile can bring down anxiety and help people around them to move a step forward towards mental wellbeing. There is a simple medicine that every person can give the other and that is a smile.

The post is a part of #CauseAChatter by Blogchatter

The post is written towards the cause of spreading mental health awareness.

All images belong to the owner and are taken from printrest.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this post are personal and for reading purposes only. They’re not medical advice. Each individual’s experience may vary. Please consult a professional if you need help.

The written content belongs to and is subject to copyright. ©️


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