The blog showcased today is for you if you were the one who dreamt of buying your cricket set as a kid and even now, the word Cricket match transports you to the Prepared pitch instantly. Do visit this virtual Cricket ground and share your insightful thoughts of the Sport with this passionate Cricket writer and blogger.
About the blogger
This blogger is a passionate Cricket Writer who is following cricket for the last 15 years.
He hails from the blue city of Jodhpur while Mumbai is his second home.
He Started playing district level cricket at the age of 12 and his love for the game kept growing drastically day after day since then.
Cricket & Writing are similar to forming a skilful and ardent team and preparing an absolute pitch to him. Combining both he pours his thoughts about the sport that was given by people who gave us the English language when they once ruled our Mother land.
About the blog
As he played distinct level cricket as a young lad this blogger always wanted to share whatever he has learnt about this engrossing sport since childhood and that’s how he started blogging.
He started writing Cricket blog posts on WordPress in July 2019. It paved a way for him to express his thoughts and connect with new people.
However, the pandemic and lock down turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him
As he was doing work from home, he had enough time to focus on his blog and to engage with readers and fellow bloggers.
His blog eventually saw an exponential rise in the number of readers and followers and he was amazed at the kind of response he got and there was no looking back for him since then.
He has met some wonderful people through his blog who have contributed significantly to his writing.
The blog always focuses on the simplest form of writing that can attract readers from all the genres and not just cricket followers.
Currently, his blog has 1.5k+ followers and he wishes to reach a lot of readers in the future.
Blogging tips from the Blogger
Patience, Engagement and Consistency are highly required if you want to grow as a blogger.
You might not get a lot of views and readers in the initial phase but it’s very important to keep writing and you’ll definitely notice growth gradually.
At the same time, it is necessary to engage with the content of fellow bloggers and be responsive to our readers.
You don’t need to restrict yourself just to your niche but also read and appreciate what other bloggers are writing.
I would love to help all the new bloggers who are looking for any suggestion.
Blog Name – Cricket Vikas
Blogger Name – Vikas Karmani
Blog Niche – Cricket blog
Blog Link –

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